Joe and Patricia

Joe is a relatively inexperienced supervisor, but is earnest in his desire to help his supervisees grow and improve their work. He has contracted with Patricia to provide supervision as she accrues hours toward licensure. In the first session, Joe and Patricia went over Joe’s Professional Disclosure Statement and Patricia set some goals for supervision. In preparing for the next supervision session with Patricia, Joe listened to a tape in which Patricia performed poorly, demonstrating poor attending skills, giving unsolicited advice, and taking, at times, a condescending tone toward the client. Joe made a list of 8 things that Patricia had done poorly, as well as 3 things she had performed well, and began the supervision session by reading this list of therapeutic mistakes to Patricia.

1. Patricia was quiet throughout most of the supervision session and, soon after, e-mailed James that she had decided to go with a different supervisor. Joe likely was “fired” by Patricia because he:


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